We Believe In
निशान्ते पिबेद्वारि दिनान्ते च पयः पिबेत्।
भोजनान्ते पिबेत्तक्रं किं वैद्यस्य प्रयोजनम्॥
One should drink milk at night, water in the early morning and butter milk at the end of meal.
If one does so what is the need of a doctor?

Chilling centres & BMC’s
2 Lakhs
Farmers pour milk everyday
Over 100
Chilling Centres
Over 200
Bulk Milk Coolers
Districts Covered
To meet the milk requirement for manufacturing different milk products, Nature Delight Dairy procures good quality milk from 3 sources like, through chilling canters, BMC’S, and from bulk vendors. To facilitate it in this process Nature Delight Dairy has around 100 plus Chilling Centers, 200 plus Bulk milk coolers (BMC’S) covering over 07 surrounding Districts. Every day more than 2 lakh farmers pour their milk at these BMC’S.
At the BMC’S, every farmer’s milk is tested for its quality. Based on the quality, per-liter price of milk is determined with the help of a two-way price chart, All Major Parameters tested for determining quality are Fat and SNF, MBRT, Protein, Alcohol test, Adulterations & freshness.etc.
Nature Delight Dairy sources the significant part of its requirement from well known dairy co- operatives, like,
• Pune Dist. Co-op. Milk Union-Pune
• Solapur Dist Co-op. Milk Union-Solapur
• Baramati Taluka Co-op. Milk Union-Baramati. Dist: Pune
• Shivamrut Co-op. Milk Union Vijaynagar-Akluj, Dist: Solapur
• Ashti Taluka Co-op. Milk Union-Ashti, Dist: Beed
The Productivity of the bovine population can always be improved by exploiting the existing genetic potential of the animals with improved nutrition , health care and management, as a part of it we are ensuring the antibiotic free feed and fodder by providing our own nutritional cattle feed.
Its Nature delight dairy’s constant endeavour to ensure that milk producers and farmers regularly receive market prices by offering quality milk and milk products to consumers at competitive prices and upholds institutional structures that empowers milk producers and farmers through processes that are equitable.